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A horrible product design but I'm glad I'm in on the secret!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm talking about the Urban Decay Primer Potion! Amazing product...HORRIBLE product design but they know what they are doing. They know that thousands of girls buy this and think that the tube is empty, throw it away and buy a new one.. but ah-ha... it's not...there is still MONTHS of product left. Thankfully I found a great video on YT that informed me about this and what to do about it!
In the video she said to take a very sharpe knife and cut it down the center... I opted to use these amazing magic scissors called "Open it". A knife sounded way to hard and dangerous for my liking. A finger is not worth a few more months of UDPP.
I used the "Open it" and after some pressure (maybe 3 times) it cracked and it pulled the tube apart. Let me tell you... I was SHOCKED. I'd seen it on YT but still I was shocked. There was SO much UDPP left.
I'm so happy I found out to do this but a little disappointed that a company would knowingly let consumers waste so much product...more money for them I guess.
Here are so pictures... look how much I got!! Next time your UDPP is running low and you are scraping the inside tube...don't throw it away! You still have months of product left!
Night, girls!:)


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