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My new makeshift vanity

Monday, January 26, 2009

A while ago I did a post about wanting a vanity because I was doing my make-up in my closet in front of a full length mirror. That was NOT working and it make quite a mess on our new carpet plus my son would get into my make-up daily and I'd find my mascara thrown in the bathtub or my lip stuck under the couch. I finally got around to getting one set up. It's a makeshift vanity for sure but it works for me. It's nothing fancy or special but I'm excited. I've only used it once and really haven't set it up yet but here it is. I still need a fancy chair to go with it. My mother in-law saw a chair she thinks will go perfect with it so that's next. :) YAY!

Like I said...it's nothing special but it's a "vanity" so I'm happy.


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