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TAG! 10 things I can't live without!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I tag you! Whoever wants to do this..please do. It's a fun way to get to know each other better!:)

1. My 3 boys (husband and two sons). I couldn't live a day without them.

2. My computer/Internet. It's seriously my life line. I freak out if we ever lose connection!

3. Make-up, of course. I wouldn't live without Bare Minerals, a good eyelash curler, mascara and lip gloss.

4. Coca-cola. Yummy! I've converted to caffeine free regular coke though. I had to otherwise my baby would be wired on caffeine and wouldn't sleep plus it's better for you. Coke is horrible for you but at least I'm not putting the caffeine in me!

5. Tan skin. I know that in my videos I love suuuppeerr pale but I'm really not that color. I always film by a big window with sunlight coming in...so it totally washes me out and makes me look like Casper.

6. My favorite shows such as Desperate Housewives, The Hills, The Bachelor, anything on HGTV!

7. Pointy toe black boots. I'm only 5'2" so I need all the help I can get.

8. DVR... oh my gosh. How did I EVER live without it. I love being able to tape all my favorite shows and pause or rewind whenever I need to.

9. My iPhone. I love being able to check the weather, Internet, world time all that the touch of a button.

10. CHI Silk infusion...need I say more!:)


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