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Wholesale Furniture Brokers has some neat furniture on their sites

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wholesale Furniture Brokers has a number of sites.  One site they own is FollowFunction.com.  It seems the idea of the site is modern furniture that's functional.    I saw a couple of things I though would be nice for my older boys' room.  My oldest is really into hunting and fishing.  He's sort of an outdoor type.  He started hanging pictures of deer and things in his room.  When I painted his room he wanted it painted camo.  Well I didn't go as far as to paint it camo but i chose some outdoorsy shades for the walls.

Anywho, on FollowFunction.com they had a mirror called "Nice Rack".  There are  a pair of antler silhouettes at the top and when the boys look in the mirror, the antlers would look like they were on their head.

 I thought that would be so fun for the boys.  It's $49 on the site and FREE shipping. 

While some of the items I found on the site were a bit pricey, some items like the unique mirrors were reasonable.  I've never seen furniture like I've seen on that site.  If you're looking for a unique and mondern piece of furniture that is functional, FollowFunction.com might be a good place to start.

Wholesale Furniture brokers maintains several other sites that include:

GoWFB.com (Everything for US Shoppers)
GoWFB.ca (Everything for Canadian Shoppers)

Right now Wholesale Furniture Brokers has a couple contests going on.  You could win a $500 go to WFB.  Got to this post on their blog to find out how:  http://www.gowfb.com/contest/151/vancouver-canucks-facebook-giveaway

You have to like their facebook page to enter the contest.  Tell them Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and more sent you. 

***I wrote this post as a blog post entry for the blogger contest.  I have the opportunity to win a $500 gc to WFB.  You can too***

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