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Frustrated with Lockerz.com

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I signed up with Lockerz.com back in August. It was before their big launch happened in October. At the time I saw they had some really great prizes for reasonable amounts of points. Prizes like Nintendo DS, Xbox 360 games, portable dvd players and lots more. I was saving my points to get a really great prize.

Since then however I always somehow missed out on the prize redemptions. They won't announce exactly when the prize redemptions are. Half the time it for "Zlisters only" meaning the people that referred at least 20 people to the site.

In the last few months you can't even get in to see what prizes will be available. I saw in their posting that they were going to have redemption in January but weren't announcing when again. I checked back everyday since I saw the message, multiple times a day. I must have checked 10 times today at different times.

I was on twitter today and saw a tweet from Lockerz.com "Thanks to all who participated in the redemption today" I freaked. I went to the site and it had info posted for those who did redeem. Though I really have to wonder if there really was a redemption considering I checked the site 10x today. So I have 100s of points that are pretty much worthless because I can't ever use them.

What exactly is the point of the site if you can't ever use the points?


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