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Sheaterra Rose Hip & Red Bush African Black Soap Face Wash

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Can I say "WOW"?? This stuff is amazing!! While shopping at one of my favorite local organic skincare shops( The Source Skincare ) in town the lady (Nicole) who owns the shop suggested I try this face wash. I didn't really go in there that day looking for a face wash so she sent me home with a sample to try. She told me "your face is going to feel so smooth after you use this you won't believe it." I don't always believe people when they tell me that and went on my merry way. When I got home that night I gave it a whirl and I was so shocked at the results!! My face WAS so smooth and it felt squeaky clean... literally. You know when your face is so clean it kinda squeaks when you rub your fingers on it... yea... squeaky clean! It got off ALL my make up as well... so that extra points! I used it twice in a row in the shower and it says to get off the dead skin use the palms of your hands in circular motions (or if you are feeling feisty leave it on for 10 minutes for a face mask)...so that's what I did...and "Ahhhhhh".... pure heavely soft skin. As soon as I got out of the shower I called up to the store and said I need this stuff, I have to have it... it's AMAZING!!! The rest of the night I asked everyone I knew to feel how soft my face was. It's the little things in life that please me oh so much.
Let me tell you a little bit about this amazing product. The one that I bought had no scent... which I wanted. I do like scents but it has to be the right scent. They have this face wash with a scent but I didn't try that one so I can't comment on it. This product is 100% organic. I read the back of the bottle and I knew what everything was. That's kinda refreshing. I've had no break outs from this whatsoever ( and did I mention that is helps FIGHT blemishes???) and only the softest skin.... I don't think my skin has been THIS soft since I was 5 months old. It seriously feels like you spent the day at the spa. You know when you get a facial and your skin feels so smooth and soft... yea... that's what this does.
This is how their website describes the product:
African black soap has been a highly effective, natural facial treatment for ages. This blemish fighting remedy lightens dark spots, smoothes skin and exfoliates to reveal clear, soft and luminous skin. Rose hips are high in vitamin C, and red bush tea adds a kick of antioxidant benefits. (This wash does not have a rose aroma, which can irritate sensitive and allergic complexions.)

It's only $15  (4oz) and well worth it!! Here is the link to the product from the store I bought it from http://shop.thesourceskincare.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=ST%2Dblk%2Dff

The scented ones are $18 but come in bigger bottle.

It's called African Black soap... thus the dark color

Ok, well... mixed around it isn't the prettiest of things but the results are amazing so who cares? I can't see my face when I am washing it anyways. :)


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