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Share the love- Blog Edition

Monday, January 11, 2010

I love finding new beauty bloggers. I think each new person brings something new and amazing to the table. Each girl has a different look, different ideas and of course great thoughts on beauty. The girls named below are bloggers I've found in the past month or two. If you aren't named that doesn't mean I don't think you are just amazing and beautiful.... I've been following a lot of you for almost a year and think you all are AMAZING.

Here are the girls I think you should check out that I have recently discovered.

http://cherylsbeautyblog.blogspot.com/ Cheryl is so beautiful it's unfair. She has the most perfect skin and her make up is always amazing. She does really awesome reviews and her swatches are so helpful. I think all of you should check her out.

http://thehollywoodheels.blogspot.com/ Chloe is so stunning! Her looks and fashion sence are to die for. She does great reviews and the swatches she takes are just as good. She not only does amazing make up but she is SO talented at "airbrushing" pictures. You really should look at the before and after pictures she has worked on... your jaw will drop. Great work and a great blog!!

http://www.beautyswatch.com/ Hands down the best blog I've found for swatches. This girl has tried it all!! I think she mostly reviews lip products which is awesome because that's my addiction. Pretty much any color you are wondering about she has reviewed and taken pictures of on her lips. That's so helpful to me because I love knowing what the color looks like on actual lips!

http://www.theshadesofu.com/ I swear to you... anytime I do a google image search looking for something this wonderful blogger always comes up! She does awesome reviews and talk about amazing swatches and helpful advice on the products. She is so beautiful and her make up is always flawless. I think every single blush color she wears is too die for.... but I think everything must just looks like perfection on her!!

I hope that you check out all these great girls I've come across in the past few months.... I know you will love them as much as I do. I think all the girls I am following are worthly of praise, too! They are are amazing and I love each of their blogs and ideas!!


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