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Christmas is Coming..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For the first time this year, I'm in the Christmas spirit. I finished my uni exams today and couldn't be more relieved. Only problem is no one can go out because of the snow, so no celebrating for me for a bit. I hate that its so heavy, can't get anything done, especially in the run up to Christmas. Because it's Christmas, I'll be working a bit more than usual. While this means more money, it also means Christmas Eve doesn't exist for me. Most of my family celebrations are on Christmas Eve, so its really annoying. My sister's moved to Canada and she's the one out of all my cousins and family that is close in age to me so I'll definitely be missing her.  

I've been meaning to record a video for Youtube for ages, but haven't had the time. If you have any ideas about what you'd like to see on it, lemme know! I'm surprised by how much I like doing them, and think I might continue for a bit. Watch this space. I think I'm getting a new camera though soon, so I might wait to see if its better quality. Anyone know of any good ones?

I probably won't have time to blog between now and Christmas, but will have pictures from it as soon as I have the chance. If I don't get the chance to say it, Happy Christmas! Have a brilliant one and can't wait to hear about what everyone got up to! And what presents they got, of course, very important!


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