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I survived my first semester away at college! And my Christmas list

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hey everyone!
As my title says, I'm done with my first semester away at school.  I had final tests this last week, and then final projects that were due the week before- basically I was swimming in homework and studying.  I am SO HAPPY to be done!  I've been stranded at school this weekend, but I fly home tomorrow and can't wait to spend some quality time with my family (I get to see my sister who I haven't seen in so long!).  And, of course, my blog- I'll have so much more free time on my hands over the next four weeks to start posting regularly again.
Can you guys believe it's only a week until Christmas?  I've been thinking about everything BUT the holiday this month, so it totally crept up on me.  I still need to do all of my Christmas shopping for my mom, dad, and sister.
Surprisingly, I don't have much in terms of makeup on my Christmas list.  I'm really intrigued by the MAC Cham-Pale collection, but it doesn't come out until after Christmas- I want to check out the "I Get No Kick" eye kohl, Special Reserve highlight powders, and lip gelees.  They look so sparkly and fresh!
But anyway, here are a few things that are on my Christmas list-

Too Faced Naked Eye kit- I want to take a closer look at this again.  I saw it at Sephora last week, but didn't pay it much attention until I saw swatches online today.
Deena & Ozzy Foldover boot from Urban Outfitters- I found these in store a few weeks ago and immediately fell in love.  These are definitely the kind of shoes that I had to see on myself before I liked them, though- I didn't think they were that great from pictures online.  
Chelsea Crew perforated oxford shoe from Urban Outfitters- I ordered both these and the boots above, and had it shipped directly to my parent's house for my Christmas present.  I didn't try these on in the store, though, so I'm not sure how they'll fit (The sizing is different than standard).  Hopefully they work, because I've been looking for the "right" oxfords for so long!
C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve- I really wanted to ask for the Fresh Sugar lip treatment, but $22 for lip balm seemed a bit much (Even as a present).  I rediscovered my love for this lip balm during a recent trip to C.O. Bigelow, so on my list it went!  I'm currently in the midst of a lip balm obsession, so any other recommendations are welcome.

That's really it for now!  What are you guys asking for for Christmas?  


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