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Acne: Solved!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hi girls,

So maybe you've noticed in my (few) videos since early September, or you've heard me complain on Twitter... but since September, my acne was back. In full force. Read: BAD. I have a video on YT from a year ago about my struggles with acne, but I'll summarize it here.

In high school, particularly grade 9 and 10, I had terrible cystic acne (and glasses and braces and baby fat... hot, I know! hah). During an unrelated checkup at the doctor, he noticed my acne and prescribed me some topical treatments and pills to help with it. By the middle of grade 11, my acne was under control, and by grade 12, all I was left with were the scars (which I'm still trying to get rid of!).

SO... early September, I decided I wanted to have a "grown-up" skincare routine. I had been using mostly Clean & Clear stuff, particularly their Contiuous Control Acne wash. At that point I was just finishing my third bottle of it, and thought this would be a good time to transition into something else.

So I went to Shoppers and they had a special on the Clinique 3-Step system. I had heard nice things about it, so I got it in #3 (combo-oily skin type). I got the bar soap, an exfoliating toner, and a gel moisturizer. For the first few weeks, it was going great. I loved all of it. I included it in my September favourites video!

But then.... (dun dun dun) I noticed lingering zits and a whole lot of bumps on my forehead and t-zone. I even got a few big zits under my eyes! Gross! It didn't even cross my mind that it was my soap that was doing this to me.

I was also concerned because I had also recently bought a new foundation (in mid-October). But I did some math and figured out that I had been noticing the acne before I bought my new makeup. Cue sigh of relief... but... where was this acne coming from? I voiced my concerns to my mother, and she just laughed and said Clinique was way too gentle to break me out, and that it must be something else. I bought the Murad spot treatment, and that did a lovely job at getting rid of the zits, but new ones just kept on coming.

Wow the lighting makes this look nasty.
I was in denial for a while, but then I decided to cut the soap out, cold turkey. I went and bought another bottle of the Clean and Clear Continuous Control Acne Wash (which has not been discontinued here in Canada... apparently the US has axed it?!). Saturday, December 4 was the last day I used the Clinique soap, and already the difference is INSANE. I used to have all these little clusters of bumps (not quite a blackhead, but not quite a pimple), and they were gone within 2 days. I had about 4 deep-set zits (cystic) on my forehead, and they're all mostly faded without having "come to fruition".

I'm still able to use the toner and moisturizer. But I have no clue what was in the soap that made my skin freak out. It's the same thing with Revlon foundation. Good for 2 weeks or so, and then WHAM! Breakout.

Needless to say, this has reinforced my love for Clean & Clear Continuous Control Acne Wash. I'm sorry I abandoned you! This also goes to show that even the gentlest cleanser can break you out, and that the culprit may be your cleanser if you're having a bad breakout situation!

xox Chloe


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