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CLOSED--Giani Granite paint kit for counter tops review and #giveaway

Sunday, March 6, 2011


When we bought out house, we knew we would have some work to do. We weren't afraid, just limited my money. So, we started with the things that HAD to be done and moved on to things we WANTED done. We created a list which will take us years maybe even a decade to go through. On that list is to remodel the kitchen.

Our kitchen had an ugly orange linoleum that was just crying for us to put it out of it's misery. Ground in dirt, no longer shiny, chunks taken out of it. So we laid down new linoleum which perked up out kitchen. I really wanted new counter tops but couldn't afford it at this time. Then I had the opportunity to review: Giani Granite paint kits for counter tops. I was so excited to be able to try it. I saw the pictures on their website.

I also went to Giani Granit's facebook page to see some of the "real" people that used the kits.  I say "real" because I mean people like myself that aren't professional painters or carpenters.  The pictures I saw inspired me.  Here's is one that was included in the press material:

It was a hard choice to decide which color I wanted for my kitchen counteres.  My old ones were white with silver flecks.  There were nicks and stains on the counter.  It was so boring and beat up I couldn't wait to get started.

close up of counter notice odd orange stain in lower right

counter before. (with painters tape in place) not terrible but boring.

The Giani Granite kit comes with a dvd instruction video which was excellent.  I really felt prepared to start my counters after watching it.  I kept mine up and paused it at the appropriate place so if I needed a reminder I could just go back and review it.

The whole process was easy.  Dare I say, it was actually fun!  I truly enjoyed using the kits.  I did it all by myself.  No help from the hubs....err well he had to show me how to use the caulking gun around the sink but once he showed me, I did it.

I chose the Emerald Green Giani Kit.  One of several things I liked about this kit was that it was really hard to mess it up.  You lay down the base coat all over your counters, then have fun adding the three mineral colors over top.  The pattern and amount of color is up to you.  The kit comes with most of the materials you need:

Giani Base coat, the 3 mineral colors, and a top coat
A roller handle and two rollers
a stiff foam brush
a large sponge that you end up cutting to apply the mineral colors,
a black poster board for you to practice with before you actually start on your counters
the instructional DVD which is super helpful

The only things you need that's not in the kit are: painters tape, clear caulk to seal around your sink when you're done, paint pan, a small artists brush if you need to do touch ups around your sink or wherever once you remove the painters tape.

So ok here's what my counters look like now:

Mine does not look anything like the Emerald Green pics on the site but I still like it

My kitchen has a little more character now

Giani customer service is very willing to help.  You can also use the kit on your bathroom counters as well.  My kitchen counters only used 1 kit and I still have a little left from the kit.  I plan on doing my bathroom sink and my microwave stand as well.

--at only $70 per kit, it's a lot cheaper than installing new counters
--Easy to do and fun
--Really hard to mess up
--Giani Customer Service is great!

--With drying time it does take about 2 days to complete
--Can't put appliances back on counters for at least 72 hours until completely dry
--for 2 weeks after have to make sure you don't leave any free standing water on counter as it takes paint 2 weeks to completely cure. 

You can buy Giani Granite Paint kits on their website or on Amazon.

I encourage you, if you're considering this to check out the before and after pics on Giani Granites site and/or Giani Granite's facebook page.  There are also other bloggers that have done reviews that I checked out that had really great results as well. 


Giani Granite is going to give 1 FFCM reader their choice of kit color with enough kits to complete the area they would like to do (kitchen counter or bathroom)!
Open to US only. 

Mandatory Entry:  Visit Giani Granite's website and tell me which color you think you would like to put in your bathroom or kitchen.  While you're there you should check out the before and after pics!
Leave a comment that includes your email address.

Bonus Entries:  Please leave a separate comment for each entry completed.

1.  Follow Giani Granite on twitter and leave a comment with your twitter ID.

2.  Like Giani Granite on FB and tell them you learned out their product from FFCM

3.  Follow FFCM with Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, RSS feed, and/or Email subscription (give yourself 1 entry for each one you do and leave a comment telling me which one(s) you did)

4.  Follow me on twitter as @angiewith3 and leave a comment with your twitter ID.

5.  Tweet this giveaway using the RT button in upper left corner OR you can use this phrase:

" Transform your boring counter tops with @gianigranite101 kits.  #Win enough to update your kitchen on  http://bit.ly/fEuSuk @angiewith3 3/20 "

Can tweet 2 X per day at least 2 hrs apart.  Leave a link to your tweet in the comments below.

6.  Like FFCM on Facebook 

7.  Vote for me to help me get a blogger grant from Mom Select.  Use button in Right hand column.  (+3 entries)

8.  Click my Purex Insider link to learn about Purex Complete Crystals:
This entry only available until 3/13.

***Giveaway ends 3/20 at 11:59 PM EST.  1 US winner will be chosen 3/21 using random.org.  Winner will be notified via email and have 48 hrs to reply.  If no reply by specified time in email, a new winner will be chosen. ***

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

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