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The Happy Handlebar shopping cart cover -- Review

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I think most of us mom's are familiar with this scenario. You grocery shopping. You have your toddler in tow in the seat of the shopping cart so you can't put your purse in the seat. You either have your purse in the cart or it's slung over your shoulder. You have to stop every so often to dig through your purse for your grocery list, pen, or coupons. Then your little one wants his sippy cup. You reach for the diaper bag. He's happy for a while but now your tot is getting antsy sitting in the seat, he's bored. You wanna just hurry through and finish the shopping trip before the little one starts really fussing.  The baby's hands (and your hands for that matter) are clutching the shopping cart handle.  So many germs, you really don't even want to think about it. 

That describes a lot of my grocery trips.  Then I was introduced to The Happy Handlbar shopping cart cover.  The Happy Handle Bar is a clever design to help make your shopping trip more convenient and germ free.

The Happy Handle Bar is a cute and functional shopping cart cover.  It covers both the metal where your little one might be grabbing and the handle bar that your pushing.  There are pockets on the front where you can store your coupons, grocery list, pen, keys, or whatever you might like to have quick access to.  I took a pick of my little buy in the cart with The Happy Handle Bar.  You can see the pockets in the front.

I have my coupon organizer stuffed in one pocket and my keys in the other on the front.  There are also elastic loops to store your child's sippy cup, bottle, or toy in as well as loops on the side closest to the child to attatch other toys. 

The covers stay over the bars using (for lack of a better term from me) plactic grips  The wider grips that go over the pushing bar have sticky back foam to help keep the cover from moving when pushing the cart.

The Happy Handle Bar easily folds up to fit in a diaper bag or medium size or bigger purse.  The Happy Handle Bar is machine washable.  Just throw the whole thing in with your wash.   Another feature that's hard to see from the picture is that the fabric kind of creates a sling or pocket even between the handle bar and the metal bar closest to your child.  I found out that this was fantastic for when your child inevitably drops his snack or small toy while shopping.  My son had some toddler puff treats that he would drop and the sling caught it.

The only draw back was that the elastic, while yes it does stretch did not fit the type of sippy cup that my son had.  I was able to get it into the cup straps but he was not able to get it back out.  I had to do it.  Also, my son figured out how to get to my coupon organizer and kept pulling it out.  It may have been better for me to put the coupons directly in the pocket rather that leave my organizer hanging out for him to grab.  Other than that, The Happy Handle Bar really helped alleviate some of the small grocery shopping headaches I deal with.

The grip covers covered well and stayed in place.  It worked well again my son and myself grabbing onto part that only God knows how many people have touch with their germy hands.   I feel it important to note.  I the sticky back foam does not come attached.  They are in a separate baggy for you to apply yourself.  I first attempted to use it without the foam and the handle cover slid everywhere.  After I applied the foam, it worked much better.

This is an "As Seen On TV" product.  You can watch the commercial here:

Review Summary:  At only $20 this product I think is worth the money.  It's very well made, convenient and easy to use, functional, and practical. 

You can buy The Happy Handlebar shopping cart cover HERE.

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