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Coral Lips for Spring! Mac Ever Hip and Buxom Lips Bambi!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I don't normally buy limited edition products ( I don't want to fall in love with something I'll never be able to get again) but I couldn't pass up the MAC Ever Hip lipstick from the Liberty of London collection. The color is a little brighter than would usually pick up but it was too darn pretty to pass by... and did you SEE the lipstick tube? So cute.
The Ever Hip is a beautiful vibrant coral and when on the lips it looks a lot more subtle than it does in the tube... which is good in my opinion.
I'm not a huge fan of wearing lipstick alone so I love to pair it with a gloss I've had for a while and just fell back in love with... Buxom Lips in Bambi. I love this color. I think the reason I forgot how much I loved it is because it's more of a spring and summer gloss and it got tucked away for the winter. I really love the Buxom Lips lip glosses... the colors are so pretty but I'm not a huge fan of the menthol taste/feeling it gives up. Just not a fan of that but a HUGE fan of the colors and texture.

Here are some pictures of the colors:

Don't you just love the packaging!?
MAC Ever Hip from Liberty of London

Buxom Lips in Bambi (you can find this at Sephora)

MAC Ever Hip (L) and Buxom Lips in Bambi (R)
MAC Ever Hip (alone on the lips)

MAC Ever Hip mixed with Buxom Lips Bambi

I am really loving this combo right now... it makes me excited for the warmth that spring will bring... and that means wearing bright fun colors, sun dresses and sandals!

What are your favorite spring lip colors? 


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