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Help a friend get funding for her town

Monday, April 19, 2010

I have a friend who asked me to please pass this message on.  She lives in the little town of Nanty Glo, PA.  Her town was submitted to http://www.refresheverything.com/search/?q=nanty+glo  Pepsi is providing free money to people to start projects, fix up towns, etc.  Nanty Glo isn't doing too bad.  The last I checked they were number 32 in their funding category.  Unfortunately, they need to be in the top 10 to get the free money from Pepsi.

It only takes a minute.  You need to sign in to Pepsi with either your Pepsi account or Facebook account.  If you don't have either one it is free to sign up.  

Pepsi Refresheverything, Help little Nanty Glo, PA

Thanks in advance to anyone that takes a minute to do this.  Nanty Glo wants to use the money to fix up their parks and recreation area.  These are public areas that many people use, especially with the upcoming season.  You can vote once daily.


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