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Great Freebie that your kids will love!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've seen Lowe's advertise their Build and Grow workshops for a while. I finally decided to sign my boys up for one of them.  We went today.  Today's project was the Watch it grow planters. I wasn't really sure what to expect.  It's free but I wasn't sure what all it included. 

There was a good amount of kids their with their parents. Lowe's provides a kit, has tools for you to borrow while you're there (they had small tack hammers out for the kids to use with parental supervision).  They had two Lowe's employees in the room passing out material and helping as need.  I thought it would be a class and they would do it step by step and the children could see as they do.  Instead it was set up that the parents helped the children.  In a way, I liked it better. After the kids put together their planters, one of the employees helped the children scoop soil into their planters and another employee gave them tomato seeds to plant in them.

According to the website the children are also supposed to get aprons and goggles for free too.  They did not give them out automatically (at least at the store I went to). I asked about them and they had them available. I got an apron for each of my boys. It was kind of cute. Like a mini Lowe's employee apron. It even had a clear pocket for a name tag.

The boys enjoyed themselves and it didn't cost us a penny.  Here is their finished projects:

I will definetely do the again with my kids.  You can pre-register for the class online but you don't have to.  You can also see upcoming projects:

They also as an added bonus today got reusable shopping bags today for earth day.  The bag had a magnet in with all the dates until the end of the year for the build and grow workshops, a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase, and a small kids activity book.

Not bad at all for FREE!

Home Depot also has kids workshops that are the same idea. I have not tried Home Depot's yet but plan to.

Home Depot Kids Workshop


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