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Through the years...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I have gotten a few requests to post some pictures of when I was a teenager. I don't have many on my computer because those were the days before digital cameras were really popular. I decited to do a "through the years" post... from 16 to 26! Don't be too scared! I have some pretty horrible fashions going on but hey they were popular in that time... can't blame me for that, right?

Age 16... oh so sweet and innocent! :) This was the only 16 year old picture I could find on my computer and the earliest to date. You can't tell by the picture but my hair was SUPER long here.. the longest it's ever been... and I'm still trying to get it back to that length.

Age 17 I got the "Posh Bob" way before Posh :)

Age 18 1st runner up at a beauty pageant AKA first loser. :)

Age 19 (Ewww remember when those HORRID chokers were popular circa 2002) Sporting the bob hair again... this was a few months before I moved to Guatemala and I though shorter hair would be easier to handle. I was wrong.

Age 20 Wearing my super bright side sweater shrug thing... those were pretty cool at the time.

Age 21 Living the dream in Guatemala

Age 22 wishing I was that skinny again... 

Age 23

Age 24... my 1st son was maybe 5 months old at this time

25... and 2 weeks until my due date! 9 months preggers with 2nd baby!

26... two more months until I'm 27! NOOOOO!

So, that's me... 


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