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New Foundation..(s)?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

YSL Teint Resist, as much as I love it, is a summer foundation for me. Its beautiful, but doesn't hold the coverage I need the winter months (red nose, cheeks and all!). I've run out of my "winter foundation" too. This is either Nars Sheer Glow, Armani or Benefit Playstick.

As I've just started college, I don't have the money or time at the moment to buy a new one. I know, awful. So, here's what my plan has been for the last few days.

When I bought Nars Sheer Glow a few months ago, I was in a massive rush and left the colour allocation to the woman working at the counter. Big Mistake. When I got home and opened it, I realised that it was so light and pasty on me. I looked it up on the Nars website, Siberia..the lightest shade. I'm not that pale.

I had an old MAC dark foundation that I never used, also a wrong make up counter woman. Studio Fix NW25. Epic plan came to my mind and I've been mixing them over the last few days. The coverage is perfect, lasts all day and is a great colour.

Do you mix your foundation? Which is your favourite? x


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