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ResVitale Beauty Sleep and Collagen Enhance: Review and Giveaway--CLOSED

Friday, September 17, 2010

Only a few weeks after my 30th birthday I had noticed my first gray hair.  I was a little shocked.  I started to become more aware of those little signs of aging.  I started noticing my laugh lines were becoming...well noticable.  I started noticing little lines around my eyes. I had been using some creams for a while.  They seemed to help some.

I heard about ResVitale available at GNC.  ResVitale is made with certified organic ingredients.
ResVitale uses the benefits of red wine.  You may have heard that drinking red wine does have some health benefits. One compound red wine contains is  Resveratrol which "turns on the SIRT1 gene." This is also called the "longevity gene".  Red wine also contains the most potent antioxidant, polyphenol. ResVitale products have the benefits of 1,000 glasses of wine.  (Without the hangover)

The ResVitale site had a link to this news clip from NBC nightly news. I thought was really interesting:

I received a bottle of Beauty Sleep and a bottle of Collagen Enhance 1000 mg to try from ResVitale. I was very excited about this.  I'm usually not one to have an interest in taking pills for anything.  These were different for me. Since they were certified organic, I felt good knowing that I wasn't ingesting any crazy chemicals.  I love an occasional glass of red wine normally.  I knew about red wine containing antioxidants.

ResVitale Beauty Sleep gives you a restful and relaxing sleep.  I took it about 45 minutes before I went to bed each night for 2 weeks.  I did wake up feeling like I actually got a good night's sleep. I'm one that will wake up at any little sound (I guess it's mommy radar). This didn't knock me out though.  It was kind of a relaxing sleep like if you had just had a massage and fell asleep.  I was still able to wake up if I needed to attend to the baby.

I also took the Collagen Enhance 1000 mg every day for 2 weeks. I studied my face daily to see if I noticed a different.  After about a week I didn't notice much of a difference BUT I could feel a difference.  I'm not sure how to explain it but to me it felt like my face was firmer.  While this was fine I wanted to SEE results.  By the end of the 2 weeks I felt like the frown lines between my eye brows weren't as deep.

As an added bonus to the products, the packaging boxes are printed with vegetable-based inks on 100% recycled material!

There are other products from ResVitale as well.  Look around the site for yourself.  You can purchase online at GNC.   You can also find Resvital on twitter and facebook

Review Summary:  I felt like these products did work at least a little for me.  I've only been taking them for two weeks. I'm planning on continuing with the products and will add an update for you on this post in two weeks.  I felt good knowing they were certified organic.  They also have a Guarantee to be Pure, Fresh, and Effective.  This company is also eco-conscience which is nice to see.  The Collagen Enhance is a bit expensive at $39.99 per bottle but really does seem like it helps.  The Beauty Sleep is more affordable a $23.99  a bottle. 


So you're still not sure?  Wanna try it for yourself?  Well, ResVitale is giving one of my readers a free bottle of Beauty Sleep  AND Collagen Enhance.  Yep, the same stuff I received. That's a $64 prize value!

Mandatory Entry:  Follow Resvitale on twitter and leave your twitter handle. 
(This must be completed before any bonus entries will count.  Don't forget to leave an email address so I can contact you if you win.)

Bonus Entries:   Leave a comment for each bonus entry completed.  +1 means leave 1 comment for that entry.  +2 two comments for that entry and so on.  Mandatory entry must be or bonus entries will not count. 

1.  Like Resvitale on Facebook and leave a comment that you did (+1)

2.  Visit Resvitale.com and tell me something you learned or another product you'd like to try.  (+1) 

3.  Follow FFCandM with google friend connect and/or networked blogs (+1 for each one) leave a seperate comment for each. Widgets located in Right column.

4.  Subscribe to FFCandM with RSS feed and/or email (+2 for each one.)  email must be confirmed to count.  leave a seperate comment for each one completed.

5.  Follow me on twitter: @angiewith3  (+1)

6. Tweet using RT button at top of post or you can use this tweet (leave a link to your tweet.  you can do this by hovering over the time in your tweet, click on it, then copy the url of the tweet and post here) (+1)

" Win 2 @Resvitale products from @angiewith3.  A $64 prize value.  US/CAN  10/2 http://bit.ly/resvreview #giveaway "

7.  Leave this message on your facebook wall and leave a link to your facebook comment (follow same directions as getting your tweet link)  (+2):

" I entered to win 2 Resvitale products from www.luvsavingmoney.info.  A $64 prize value! You can too 10/2. "

8.  Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post (+5)

9. Like FFCandM on facebook (+1)

10.  Enter any of my other current giveaways (+1 for each one entered).  Leave a comment telling me which ones you entered)

Giveaway close Oct 2, 2010 at 10 PM EST.  1 Winner will be drawn Oct. 3 using Random.org and notified by email.  Winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. 

***I received ResVitale's Beauty Sleep and Collagen Enhance at no cost.  I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post.  Any opinions or results expressed are my own.***


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