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Trip to the Zoo (Picture heavy)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yesterday (I'm actually writing this Sunday night, but scheduling it for Monday) my suitemate, her boyfriend and I went to the Lincoln Park Zoo.  It was kind of a last-minute trip, but I was really excited since I haven't been to a zoo in the longest time!  Maybe the best part was that it doesn't cost anything to go to- all we had to pay for were our bus passes.  I love free activities.
So this is completely unrelated to makeup or anything beauty, but I took a ton of pictures so I thought I'd share a few with you all.  We had a great time!

View of downtown from the zoo

The two of us by little monkey statues- there were a bunch of monkey exhibits!
BIG monkeys!
Bad picture, but we didn't want to mess with this guy.

This leopard kept pacing between the rooms he had, and he looked REALLY unhappy!

Sleeping lions


We stopped at a cool-looking tree for a picture :)


I loved this rhino!  He'd walk a few steps and then pose for pictures.  What a model!

I'm so glad I decided to go to the zoo with them.  It was a really fun way to spend an otherwise lazy afternoon.  Hope you're all having a fun and safe labor day weekend.  <3


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