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Blogging goals for 2011, What's yours?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Last year I set some obtainable goals for myself as far as my blog goes. By obtainable I mean I didn't say "I'm going to get 5,000 followers this year".

I actually set a couple goals.  My goal was to get 500 blog followers and 1,000 twitter followers.  My super goal was to get 1,000 blog followers and 2,000 twitter followers. Well I hit my super goal on twitter and surpassed my regular goal so I'm happy.  I appreciate all of my followers so much.  Thanks for following and sticking by me this last year.

Here are my goals for 2011. 

1.  All weekly posts will written ahead of time and scheduled to post appropriately. (For all those that read and participate in What We Won Wednesday, you know why this is a goal for me)

2.  I had a few sponsors flake on me this year.  It really bothers me. As a blogger, it's difficult when the sponsor is supposed to send out a prize and never does.  I was thinking of implementing a "Dead beat sponsor list"  It would be a list on my blog of sponsors that didn't follow through on their giveaway promises.  I'm hoping that i won't have to update it much. The rules would be:

After so many weeks if sponsor did not send out prize.  Re-contact sponsor.  (in good faith that they're either just running behind or email I sent went to spam.)  If they reply then they're ok.  If no reply or they reply and still don't send the prize then they get another more stern email from me with a CC to the winner(s) so both winners know they were contacted and sponsor sees that the winners know I sent the email.  Then if still no response/prize received they will be sent an email saying they will be added to the Dead beat sponsors list on my blog. I'm hoping this will encourage those sponsors (thought few and far between) to know that I'm serious and I'll tell people if they don't hold up their end of the bargain.  After all, we do our work and give them low cost advertising.  We deserve a follow through. 

What do you think of this idea?  Would you like me to open it up to anyone so others who have "Dead Beat sponsors can add to the list?

Also FYI I do have copyright on my blog and each post is protected by that.

3.  I'd like my Google PR to move up to 2.  LOL I'm stuck at 1.  Good news is I haven't gone down though.

4.  I'd like to get 1,000 blog followers this year.  My super goal would be 1,2000.  I'd like to hit 3,000 twitter followers.  My super goal would be 3,500.   I'd like to hit 500 FB fans of my blog and my super goal would be 700 FB fans.

So what are your blogging goals this year?  What do you think of the Dead Beat Sponsor list idea?  

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