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Day of unexpected freebies

Monday, November 15, 2010

I had a busy but fun weekend! Saturday night I went into NYC for my friend's birthday party and spent the night. We had dinner and drinks and attempted to go to karaoke, but all of the places with suites were full and we gave up after a while. The next morning we had massive slices of triple chocolate birthday cake, Jamba Juice smoothies, and walked around the city. Fun times :)

My friend had received a bottle of the new Kim Kardashian perfume from a coworker, and doesn't wear perfume, so she gave it to me! First unexpected freebie of the day. Sunday when we were browsing the market at Byant Park, one of the vendors of natural bath products (handmade soaps and good stuff like that) gave us free lip balms! Their website is at Soap Creek if you want to check them out. Lots of great-smelling products!

After I got back home, Mom was looking through the circulars from the paper and proposed a spontaneous trip to Target. We decided to go to the other Target in the area, which is in a mall, and the mall was closing in less than 2 hours so we had little time to run around and shop! First I went to Origins to give an empty moisturizer bottle to the recycling program. The Origins I usually go to gives me whatever sample they have available, but this one asked me to choose a products and gave me a little sample jar to take home! I chose the Ginger Souffle body cream.

Next, I went to The Body Shop to exchange my first coupon from the Joy Bag For Life promo. I was expecting the free gift to be a sample size of something, so I was quite shocked when they pulled out a full sized coconut body butter! They're worth $20! You can still buy the tote that comes with the coupons (it's only $5 and supports charitable causes) and you'll get a free gift like this every week until the end of December! I'm excited to see what the rest of the gifts will be :)

Target haul in another post - it's time to watch House!


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