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Hot Coco Holiday Look

Monday, November 15, 2010

So Day 1 of Holiday Looks is Hot Coco with white for Marshmellows. Now I really want a hot coco!
I used the due eyeshadows for this look. I bought them in a kit. Light brown cream eyeshadow- sugar cookie. Bronze eyeliner ( you can use brown if you want), Natural Radiance Blusher- Glow, Hypershine Lip Gloss- Blossom.
You want to prime your eyelid first, then you want to add the cream eyeshadow in brown all over your lid and up towards your brow. Then take the litter brown in the middle duo, apply from your lash line to your crease, take the dark brown and add it to your outer V, I made mine a circle but you can do a V, blend upwards over your bone just a bit, and blend into your crease. (it's darker on me then the camera shows)
After you blend it well, take the light color on the last duo, this is your highlighter and your inner eye color, for the inner eye I used a white eyeliner first then added the highlighter, gives it a better bright look, bring under your lower lashes. Line your eye with a brown or a bronze eyeliner, line you lower lashes and smudge out a bit. Apply your favorite mascara. Apply glow blush to your apple of your cheeks and Blossom Lip gloss. You want to keep the face a neutral color.


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