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A few new things... (around the house)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Getting Fall-ish for Thanksgiving. I got the little pine cones for .99 at Michaels... now I know I can get them for free if I look for the right tree but I don't have that kind of time and .99... you can't beat that!

Right now I am LOVING Mercury glass... it's so pretty (in my opinion). I got the candle holders from Michaels, bird from Target and the lamp which I swear I see everywhere (on decor blogs, tv, magazines, etc)... I got that for $25 from Marshells. 

I made this little "C" from Moss (which smells terrible), a hot glue gun (oww my fingers) and a plain white "C" from Michaels. 

I moved my couch near the windrow as an bored experiment and I kinda like it... it opens up the living and creates more space! However, that means we'd have to move our TV from the fire place to the other wall... and that might be too much work (cable/wires wise). :(
Table: Home Goods.

I am loving this table in my kitchen... anything with mirrors.. ahh love..
Table: Home Goods (bathroom section)

Pear and vase from Marshells.

Wood thingy from Guatemala, Pine cones from Michaels. 

I know this is not a beauty-ish post but I love home decor and thought I'd share a few new things with you!

Oh and guess my luck....

I just got the most beautiful vase today and as I was bringing it in from my car I though "man, it would suck if I broke this".... well.... as my life goes I had too many bags and smashed it on the side of the front door and broke all the glass. I should have knocked on wood when I had that thought (just kidding, I don't believe in that). 



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