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Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream Concentrate Review and #Giveaway 12/10---CLOSED

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


With each product I get to try from Tropical Traditions, the more I become a fan. This review was kind of interesting for me. I started off thinking "what the heck, this product was not what I thought it would be" to "wow this product is what I thought it would be" Let me tell you why, I neglected to seek out the full directions. I know, I know, when all else fails, read the directions right? LOL just kidding. I give hubby a hard time about this all the time. I guess he gets to rub it in for a minute.

Here's how it went.  I received my generous sized jar of the Coconut Cream concentrate from Tropical Traditions.  I had been wanting to try it.  It seemed like a very versatile products  You can mix it into drinks like coffee or even water to make a coconut flavored drink. You can mix it into your baking and cooking to add a little coconut flavor too.  I thought it would be great to try for some of my holiday baking.

When I got the jar, I noticed that it had separated.  There was a layer of coconut oil on the top and the coconut cream concentrate was on the bottom.  I tried to scoop it out but only kept getting the coconut oil.  The jar said it would separate in temps lower than 75 degrees.  That's my house like 24/7 365.   At first I was really disappointed.  I thought  "How can I use this stuff?"  So after trying different things on my own, I finally decided to check the Tropical Traditions website.  Well there it was, the video on how to mix the Coconut Cream concentrate.  I felt so silly, I should have gone to the site in the first place. 

So I tried it.  What do you know it worked!

I looked over the recipes on the Tropical Traditions site.  It's so easy.  You can look at them all or just for the products you're using.  My kids helped me pick one out.  We decided to try the "Chocolate Coconut Creme Bar" recipe.  It was easy, quick to make, and tasted pretty good.

The Coconut Cream Concentrate melted easily in the pan.

The Chocolate Coconut Creme Bar turned out smooth.  You could definitely taste the coconut flavor in the bar.  I also tried some in my coffee  I was expecting a sweeter coconut flavor but it reminded me more of a toasted coconut type of flavor.  Something like a macaroon.  My family tried the Chocolate Coconut Creme Bar and I took some to work.  I heard several comments that it tasted like a mounds bar without the flakes of the coconut. 

Once I figured out how to use the product I loved it.  If there was one suggestion I might have, it would be to have some quick directions on the side for how to mix it.

Plus  from now until Nov. 28 you can get $10 off any order of $16 or more.  Use code: 24110
If you order I'd so appreciate it you'd use my referral ID: 6162177


Tropical Traditions is going to give one of my readers their own jar of Coconut Cream Concentrate to try for themselves.  Open to US and Canada.

Mandatory EntryFollow Tropical Traditions on twitter: @troptraditions 
Must be completed before any bonus entries will count.  Don't forget to leave an email address so I can 
contact you if you win.    

Bonus Entries:  Please leave a separate comment for each bonus entry completed.  If there is a +1 after the entry leave one comment for that entry.  +2 leave 2 comments for that entry and so on.  

1.  Sign up for Tropical Traditions email newsletter (+2)

2. Like Tropical Traditions on facebook (+1)

3. Tell me what recipe you might like to try with your Coconut Cream Concentrate if you win (+1)

4.  Tweet this giveaway using the RT button in the upper Left corner OR you can use this message:

"  I entered to win a jar of Coconut Cream Concentrate from @troptraditions on http://bit.ly/TTcream 12/10 US/CAN @angiewith3"

Can tweet 2 X per day at least 2 hours apart.  (+1 for each tweet)

5.  Follow FFCM with Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, RSS feed, and/or email (+1 for each one.)  Please leave a separate comment for each one completed

6.  Follow me on twitter: @angiewith3 (+1)

7.  Like FFCM on facebook (+1)

8.  Enter any of my other current giveaways and leave a comment telling me which one(s) you entered  (+1 for each one)

9.  Purchase anything from Tropical Traditions with my referral ID:  6162177   (+5)

Giveaway will end 12/10 at 10 PM EST.  1 winner will be chosen using random.org.  Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond to winning email. Open to US and Canada

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. 

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