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Find your Foundation Color

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finding the right shade of foundation is important, you don't want to be walking around outside with a dark makeup line across your neck. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Go to your favorite department store cosmetic counter, or favorite drugstore.
2. Shop with a clean, moisturized face.
3. Always use the SAMPLES. Test it correctly on your neck/chest area, you want your face to blend into your neck. You want the color to 'dissapear' into your skin.
4. Pick a color you think you are then pick two additional shades one lighter and one darker.
5. To get the best result of your shade, go outside if your with someone ask them if they can 'see' the foundation. You don't want it to be bright orange, yellow etc.
6. If you're unsure of a color go lighter- never darker. You can always apply bronzer
7. If you find a color that suits you- BUY IT!


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