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Growing Tree Toys is dontating to Toys for Tots and you can help for free

Monday, November 22, 2010

I love the Toys for Tots program. It's my charity of choice during the holidays. I know that receiving gift is NOT what the Christmas season is about. But, for so many kids it's a simple way to bring a spark of happiness and joy to a child whose family may not be of the financial means to provide that.

I was almost too excited to see that Growing Tree Toys is donating to Toys for Tots this year. You can help for FREE! All you have to do is "like" Growing Tree Toys facebook page. For each "like" Growing Tree Toys receives on their facebook page, they will donate $1 to Toys for Tots!

I really have a lot of respect for a company that is willing to donate so generously, especially during the holiday season.  So please, it only takes a second to go over and like their page.  Just think of how many happy kids there will be with only a couple seconds of your time.

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