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I got a iPhone!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I always wanted a iPhone and when Mr.Shabby got one I was really really mad! So every chance I get I bring up how I want a iPhone, if I had a iPhone I wouldn't have to use yours to go on facebook etc.
I brought it up today when the little Mr. Shabby didn't have his DVD player in the car, I said that if I had a iPhone he could watch a movie. Well all of a sudden he had to go to the phone store, he said he was buying a booster antenna, I secretly knew he was getting me a phone.
20 Min's later after little Mr. Shabby and I were rocking out to tunes in the car he returns giving me this box wrapped with a white invoice, I slide the box out and almost burst out laughing it was a iPhone!!!!!
So excited! I want to deck it out in pink. But that was my little surprise today, and I swear the phone is smarter then me!


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