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Homeopathic Value Pack review and #giveaway 1/15 US---CLOSED

Sunday, January 2, 2011

 Random.org drew number 65 monica. winner has been emailed and has 48 hrs to respond to winning email or a new winner will be chosen. Thanks to everyone who entered.

I had a cold for the whole month of December. Yes, really. It actually started just after Thanksgiving.  It started with a little bit of stuffy nose and sneezing.  Then a cough joined the symptoms.  My congestion got so bad I couldn't smell or taste anything for about 3 weeks.  Can be good or bad depending on which way you look at it over the holidays.  My ears got a little blocked too from the congestion.  No fever though, never a fever.

When I had the opportunity to review the Homeopathic Value Pack from the Boiron company I thought, "wow, how ironic that I was offered to review this product at this time".

I received the pack which included Coldcalm, Chestal Honey, and Oscillococcinum for Flu-like symptoms.

As soon as I got it I tried the Coldcalm. I was so tired of being sick.  I wanted to try anything to get rid of this annoying cold.  The coldcalm tabs melt in your mouth. There are 60 tabs in the box.  You're supposed to take 2 every 15 min for two hours then 2 every hour until symptoms have been relieved.  For ages 3yr to adult.  All of these homeopathic medicines tell you you should take it at the first signs of cold or flu symptoms.  I did not.  I had already had mine for about 3 weeks when I received my review pack.

I followed the directions but after taking them as directed doing several every hour doses after the every 15 min doses, I only noticed minimal improvement.  BUT I have to tell you that after going on 5 wks of this persistent cold and cough I finally went to the doctors (I know us mother's take care of our kids but not ourselves sometimes).  Turns out I had bronchitis.  It appears that I had let me cold go too long before even receiving this product and had developed the bronchitis.  The package tells you that if symptoms persist after 7 days or sore throat for more than 2 days you should see a doctor.  Hmmm, should have done that.

I also tried the Chestal Honey.  It had a nice honey flavor.  It did seem to quiet my cough temporarily.  You are supposed to take this cough syrup every 2 hrs.  A little inconvenient for someone who works outside the home or a child in school.

For someone looking for a safe alternative to traditional cough medicines, this is a good one to choose.  I think the flavor would be a little more appealing to children.  You can give it to anyone 2 yrs of age and older.  Not recommended for children under 2.

Last but not least was the Oscillococcinum for Flu-symptoms.  I had actually got a sample of this a while back too.  It comes in small protable tubes.  It has little crystals that you put in your mouth and allow to melt on your tongue.  This has a very pleasant taste.  It put me in mind of a pixie stick whose sugar crystals were a little bigger.  It did seem to aleviate some of my flu-like symptoms when I took it.  Again this is for ages 2yrs and up. (including adults).

There are lot of pros to these products:

1. No drug interactions since they are homeopathic

2.  Non-drowsy

3.  Safe for ages 2yrs to adults (3yrs for Coldcalm tabs)

4.  All of the products have a pleasant taste.

5. Does not cost anymore than other cold remedies.  


1.  Need to take more frequently than other medications that aren't homeopathic

2.  In my opinion, not as potent as using a non-homeopathic medication

So, as you can see there are more pros than cons with the Homeopathic Value pack from Boiron Company.

Many places are now selling these Boiron Products.  My friend said she just bought the Chestal at Rite-aid.

Want to try it for yourself and make your own decision?


Boiron will be sending one Free Stuff, Fun Sites, Contests, and More (FFCM) reader  their own Homeopathic Value pack with all of the above reviewed medicines.  Open to US only. 

Mandatory Entry:   Leave a comment telling me why you want to try one or all of these products.
Don't forget to leave your email so I can contact you if you win.  

Bonus Entries:  Please leave a seperate comment for each entry.   

1.  Follow  FFCM with Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, Blog Frog Community, RSS feed, Or email subscription (+1 for each one completed.  Please leave a seperate comment for each one)

2.  Follow me on twitter as @angiewith3 and leave your twitter id.   

3.  Tweet this giveaway using the RT button in upper left corner or you can copy and paste this phrase:
 " Enter to win a Homeopathic Value Pack on http://bit.ly/gc6nlI to help with cold and flu season 1/15 US @angiewith3 "

Can tweet 2 X per day at least 2 hours apart.  Leave a link to your tweet in a comment.  

4.  Like FFCM on Facebook (+1)  

5.  Enter any of my other current giveaways.  (+1 for each one entered.  Just leave a comment with which one) 

NEW 6.  Enter the Homeopathic Value Pack giveaway on Precisely Mine blog and leave a comment telling me you did. 

 **Giveaway ends 1/15/11 at 10 PM EST.  1 winner will be chosen using random.org.  Winner will be emailed and will have 48 hours to reply to winning email.  Prize will be mailed directly from Boiron company.  Open to US. ***

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com and the Tomoson weekly featured sponsor Favorite Wigs - Shop Name Brand Wigs at Low Prices! Large Wig Selection of Forever Young Wigs, and other Quality Wigs. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

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