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Oh to dream...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

So today, since I was extremely lazy because I have a TON of work to get done, I did not take the time to dress cute! And all day, as I was sitting there doing my obnoxious work, I kept thinking about how I wish I had every single clothing item that I wanted and I could just look cute even when I was going to Barnes and Noble to get my study on. So THAT, my wonderful blogging friends, is how I came up with this post idea! I decided to go on an amazing website called Polyvore and create my ideal outfit.

If dreams were reality, tomorrow I would be rockin' this outfit like it was my job. I'd be at NYU and I would jam to some indie music as I grabbed my Starbucks and walked to class thinking "yea...I know your jealous."

Oh to dream...
Although dreaming of what I wish was true is VERY fun....it is also quite depressing. Now back to my dull work (and hopefully just in my opinion), wardrobe! Until the next post...

keep on keepin' on fashionistas
<3 Lindy
Oh to dream... by lindyem featuring bohemian jewelry


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