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Challenging myself with bright red lips!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I placed a small order at Darling Girl Cosmetics last night, yay!  I got a blogger sample pack and a couple petit sizes of things, so I'm really excited to receive them and finally try out an indie brand.  She's having a buy 2 get 1 free sale right now so I figured now was as good of time as any.

Anyway, I've been having so much fun experimenting with lip combinations lately!  This one is very... WOW for me.  I can do deep wine/berry shades and nudes, but I always shy away from bright reds.  So to achieve the following red lips I combined two products that I've actually never worn out before- Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in Wine With Everything and Revlon ColorBurst lip gloss in Bordeaux.  

Left: Wine With Everything, Right: Bordeaux

I had been trying to come up with a good gloss I could pair over Wine With Everything for the longest time!  It's a little too shiny and bright for me as is, but Bordeaux deepens it and adds a subtle sparkle.  On that note, I love the quality of each of these individual products.  The Super Lustrous lipsticks feel smooth and are richly pigmented; the ColorBurst lipglosses are just the same, if not better in my opinion (I tend to like glosses better than lipstick for some reason?).  No stickiness, yay!  Moving on!

I paired this with a taupe/purple eye and contoured cheeks.  I am loving this lip combination and it's making me want to try more red lipsticks/glosses!  I love my deep berry shades, but red is a nice way to change it up.

Speaking of changing it up, Sophie over at Fresh Air & Fashion is doing a great challenge over the next few weeks- basically, you create 15 new makeup and hair ideas to try.  I think it's an awesome way to get out of a beauty rut, and I'm doing a very loose version of it (I have a bunch of posts lined up to do over the next few weeks otherwise I'd follow it more closely!)- you guys can check it out here if you're interested.  I just thought I'd give the friendly shout out, especially since it's always good to try new things. :)

Are there any new looks or styles you've tried recently? 


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