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Disposable Perfection

Friday, May 20, 2011

I was once friends with a girl who always looked immaculate. She was perfect, and no matter what time of the day it was she would always look beautiful, even in a tracksuit or with no make up. I wouldn't say she was the most stunning person in the world, but the way she wore clothes, did her make up and carried herself made me green with envy.

Almost everything she owned was designer, and if not that were very expensive high street brands. Since meeting her, it has been my dream to look as immaculate. Wishful thinking, I believe. While I like to make an effort with my appearance, the pains she must go through to look the way she does would tire me. I would adore to be one of those people who got regular manicures, never had roots, was perfectly tanned and had beautiful clothes; but the truth is its just not me. Aside from the fact that I couldn't afford to be that well kept, I like lazing around my house in my pjs, not wearing makeup when grocery shopping with my mum and wearing a disgusting tracksuit while walking the dogs. Anything else just wouldn't be me.

The one thing I've realised I can change on my quest to utter perfection is the way I shop. If you have seen my latest video, you'll know that I touched on this subject. Following in the footsteps of my perfect friend (which she will always be known as, obv), I really want to 'invest' in 'key pieces' rather than waste my money away on items that will only last me a month or two. Why bother spending fifty euro in Primark when I can spend one hundred in Kurt Geiger or All Saints and feel so much better about myself? This view has been my intention for years, but my severe lack of restraint when in cheap shops have hindered it, sadly. I'm not talking really high end designer clothes here, because as a student I've resigned myself to that fact that it will never happen. But I am lusting after staples that will last me a good while.

Unfortunately for me, I cannot be my perfect friend. It's not in me to be immaculate and photo-ready all the time. And I suppose we shouldn't strive to be like someone else, even though we all do it. While I can't look perfect all the time I'm just going to have to assume that people like me for my fab personality...Hopefully!

What are your thought on this? To squander money away on disposable fashion or to invest in pieces that will last years?

Images courtesy of WeHeartIt


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