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Totally Phillie

Friday, May 20, 2011

So although I have definitely never been to Philadelphia before (at least a trip there where I was actually old enough to remember being there), PPT's lovely photographer Allison lives there and has the wonderful opportunity to explore the fashion in such an epic city! I miss her so much and wish she was still in Greenville helping me take pictures of students around my campus! Fortunately, she still has the knack of capturing chic fashion in her hometown, and never fails to look absolutely on point with her style! Check these out....

 I mean, you can't deny this girl has some fierce fashion! She even rocked the messy bun I talked about yesterday, LOVE. Anywho, I don't know why but for some reason when I attempt to get into the "school mindset" I always wish it felt like fall outside. Fall is my favorite season of the year.
Taking classes makes me want to wear sweaters and boots and drink hot coffee and snuggle up in a cozy cafe "studying"! After already feeling in a "fally" mood this morning, Allison sent me a picture of a chic chick in Phillie who was wearing an outfit perfect for fall! So what we're gonna do tonight my friends is pretend its that chilly season! Sounds fun right!? I know it does. Here are some "Autumny" fashion pictures that I love, starting with the Philadelphia native that Allison caught these amazing pictures of....

The styles in these pictures aren't just for fall either! Nix the tights and jackets and switch them out for a flowy top with a skinny belt and some gladiator sandals and you'll have the perfect summer version of these Autumn ensembles! Hope ya'll enjoyed our Fall in Summer post! Keep up with the good work summer class students, and enjoy soaking up some rays all of you who aren't in school! Until the next post....

keep on keepin' on fashionistas
<3 Lindy


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