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Coral and Teal Ordeal

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Okay...so I know I talk about what I'm obsessed with a lot here on PPT (look at the post below) but I mean...I can't help that I'm obsessed with a lot of things! I guess I just have a big...

But seriously people, the combination of coral and teal is BY FAR my newest obsession. I am in LOVE with that color combination. I want to wear it everyday of my life. It's just so chic and summery! I am actually wearing it right now as I type this post, although very minimally because I do not own much coral colored clothing (yet)! And really, it doesn't even have to be exactly teal and coral, it can be red-orange and turquoise or coral and light blue! No matter how you put it together, it just never fails to look amazing. And can I also say that I am super stoked because next year I am living in the most ADORABLE apartment complex and I have decided to take the teal-ish/Tiffany's blue bedspread that I already have and revamp it with coral accents for my room next year! How cute will that be!? And not only does this color coupling look good for interiors, but it also looks fabulous on your exterior! So, fashionistas, I dare YOU to go out on a limb and splash some coral and teal into your wardrobe. You will not be disappointed! Here are some pictures to inspire you to try my latest and greatest craze...

I hope you enjoyed this post ladies and gents! I'll be sure to keep my eye out for coral and teal fashion around ECU's campus! And if I don't see you then don't forget that you can send a picture of yourself or your room or whatever you want adorned with the latest trend to fashionppt@gmail.com and it will be posted right here along side everything else! That's all I have for right now, but stay tuned for more fashion in the future...

keep on keepin' on fashionistas,
<3 Lindy


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