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Skin Deep

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm not sure whether its the pale Irish skin that has always been my downfall, but for as long as I can remember my skin has been sensitive, very dry and red. While people always complimented me on my "rosy cheeks" they were always a source of embarrassment and resulted in a dip in my confidence.

Now, this may be seen as a slight overreaction, but I used to dread going out at night, even out to restaurants because I knew they would be warm and my face would become tomato red. This is why, for years I have always opted for a medium to heavy coverage - not because I had bad skin, quite the opposite I have always had reasonably good skin, but because I feared people commenting on how red my face was.

I have used countless products to try to counteract the redness of my face, green primers, green concealers, the list goes on. And none of them worked. It was only when I went into a Chanel counter a few months ago that I realised my skin wasn't going to change, but that my attitude needed to. The woman on the counter almost flat out refused to sell me Mat Lumiere because she insisted, like so many makeup artists before her, that my skin was too good and shouldn't be covered up.

Its only literally over the last few months that I have come around to that way of thinking. No matter how well I take care of my skin, it will always have high colouring and instead of caking it with lots of coverage, I'm going to wear the coverage it needs. A week or so ago, I bought Chanel's Pro Lumiere, which is to be discontinued. Typical. This light coverage foundation not only gives me a dewy glow that lasts all day, but makes the best out of my skin.

While it may not block out all of the colour, it gives a beautiful sheen to the skin and has made me realise its not that red. Don't get me wrong, I would never wear it on a night out or much during the Winter; but for the Summer months when the weather is beautiful and the tan is building, Chanel Pro Lumiere is the perfect foundation for me. It looks well, it gives a beautiful coverage and it gives me the confidence to walk around with my head held high.

And then they go and discontinue it. Boohiss.


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