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GEO Super Nudy Quarter Pink Lens Reviw

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hello~~I bring to you a review on Super Nudy Quarter Pink by GEO and also a review on one of my favorite lip tints of all time!! 


Brand: GEO
Origin: South Korea
Water content: 38% - 42%
Diameter: 14.8 mm, 16.0 mm effect
Base Curve: 8.4 - 8.6
Duration: 1 year disposable

I personally am not a big fan of the nudy series because it makes me look a bit creepy. I believe I tried nudy brown and golden blue and I always ended up looking like an owl or a vampire. Even after trying 2 pairs of nudys, I still wanted to buy the pink one. It just looked so nice and it's pink!!! I'm starting to collect pink lenses ^_^ so I thought why not?

These lenses are larger then the normal nudys but, I didn't think it looked that big on the eyes. Maybe it's because I've tried the Princess Mimi series which are 15.0mm?? Anyways, these lens certainly do enlarge the eyes but it isn't too dramatic, so you won't look too alienish. I do especially love the color because it looks kind of pink but at the same time it has a bit of a lavender like tint. As for comfort level, I can feel it in my eyes but my eyes slowly gets use to it and I just forget that it's in my eyes. It does get a bit dry after a while but it's nothing that eye drops can't handle. The only thing I don't like about the lens is that it makes me look a bit tired because the pink sometimes brings out my dark circles a bit more. Other then that, these lens are pretty nice♥


Comfort: 7.5/10 the comfort level was alright~it wasn't the most comfortable lens but certainly not uncomfortable.
Color: 9/10 lovely pinkish lavender like color and very noticeable!
Enlargement: 9/10
Overall: 8/10 These lens are pretty and great for pink lovers♥


In the bottle

eye in natural lighting

eye with flash

face photo with natural lighting

face photo with flash
If anyone is interested, I bought these lenses at www.eyecandylens.com and they are on sale right now too!
Next I will review my Princess Mimi Apple Green lens & my new Sugar Candy Pink lens when I have the time~~I just got a new job and it's hectic @_@~~plus I work till 2 am~~Well hope the review was useful!


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