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Mini Reviews #1! Physicians Formula, CoverGirl, NYC

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hey guys, happy weekend!  I've been saying for awhile now that I've had several products waiting to be reviewed.  Since I still haven't found time to write up full reviews of them, I decided doing "mini reviews" would be a good solution.  Today I have four products to share with you, from Physicians Formula, CoverGirl, and NYC.

(Note: for more info/photos of the PF Happy Booster blush and NYC lip stain, please visit my recent favorites post, here!)

Clockwise from top left: Physicians Formula Happy Booster blush in Natural, Physicians Formula Conceal RX in Soft Green, CoverGirl NatureLuxe foundation in 315 Bamboo, NYC Smooch-Proof lip stain in Forever Mine Wine

Physicians Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting blush in Natural

Hello, pretty!  I raved about this in my previous favorites post (link at the beginning of this post), and I love it here, too.  A lot of it has to do with the cuteness factor, I'll admit it- I really loathe shimmer blushes, but the fact that it SMELLS LIKE VIOLET, is decked in hearts, and is the prettiest peachy-pink shade allows me to overlook that small fact.  The packaging is kind of bulky, and as I opened it for the first time the piece where the top locks into place broke off.  As long as I don't lift up the blush part to use the brush underneath it's fine, but still kind of off-setting.  At any rate, the product itself is gorgeous!

Physicians Formula Conceal Rx Physicians Strength in Soft Green

Physicians Formula has to be the drugstore brand with the longest names ever.  The blush I'm mini-reviewing in the post has one too.  Who has time for that?!  When you're finally finished saying the name you've forgotten what you're talking about.  I digress.
I bought this concealer about a month ago, totally meant to review it, but forgot about it because it has gotten practically no use from me.  I thought the idea of a green concealer would be great.  This one, however, is too thick and cakey- the thickness is too much to blend easily and it's incredibly dry.  It also doesn't look good underneath your skin-colored concealer; it turned my skin an ashy color.  Not a fan, but I would love to know if anyone has tried it and made it work for them!

CoverGirl NatureLuxe foundation in 315 Bamboo

I've been using this off and on since I got it about a month ago.  The color is a tiny bit dark for my face, but it still works.  The only thing I dislike about this foundation is the coverage- I can't stand foundation/face makeup that gets into the "medium coverage" category, because even that feels too heavy to me.  This feels a little heavy even though it is I think technically "lightweight" coverage.  I love the squeeze bottle, though- the packaging makes me think it's a tinted moisturizer sometimes!  The finish is just right for me- not overly dewy, but not matte, either.  I always top my foundations with some type of powder (whether its bronzer or translucent), so this is no exception.  If I wasn't so picky about the coverage levels of my face makeup, I'd probably love this. 

NYC Smooch-Proof 16 hour lip stain in Forever Mine Wine

This has got to be my favorite out of the bunch!  I use it every time I want a deep, "seductive" lip that I don't have to worry about too much throughout the day.  It lasts me a good four hours (without drinking) and the color is just fabulous.  I also love the idea of lip stains (I know, I'm kind of a newb when it comes to lip products, haha), because I don't even feel them once they dry.  This one does cling a little to patchy areas on my lips, but it's not obvious in person.  I can't wait until this summer when I'm back in proximity to a Walmart (no where close to me stocks NYC, it's really strange!) so I can pick up more of these!

That's it for my mini reviews post!  I hope they were still thorough enough to give you an idea of how the products worked for me.  Anything you've tried/loved/hated?  Thanks for reading! :)


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