Monster Truck Nationals in State College, PA were awesome!
Monday, April 4, 2011
My 7 yr old was looking forward to it. My 8 yr old just said he was interested in the pit party before hand. I'm talking about the Monster Truck Nationals in State College, PA last night.
My boys' father took them to the show. It sounds like they had a great time. Here's just a few pics from the show last night:
At the Pit Party
During the show
Both of the boys said there were dirt bike riders before the monster trucks. They said the dirt bike riders were actually their favorite part. They did ask me today though if they could wear their autographed shirts to school. I was a little leary but told them to go ahead. They were so excited to show off their autographed tees.
My 8 year old said his favorite truck was "Chalkboard Chuck" that was red, yellow, and black. He said "Chalkboard Chuck" is the one in the last picture shown above. My 7 year old said his favorite was "Big Foot". He asked, "Do you know why Big Foot is my favorite mom?" I said no. He said "Because it's a Ford" lol. Well any reasons a good reason I guess.
If you get a chance to take your kids to the Monster Truck Nationals, do it. It's something fun that's not your everyday activity. There's still a chance to catch the Monster Truck Nationals.
The banner is for the show that happened April 1 and 2 in State College , PA but if you click it, it will take you to where you can buy tickets for the other remaining venues. Use code: FAMILY to get $3 off your tickets.

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