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Beauty Questions Tag from Alice

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thanks to the wonderful Alice of Divinely Urban for tagging me!  In my opinion tags are both fun to read and do.  <3

1.  What's your favorite makeup look?
I used to love doing my eye makeup dark and 'smoky', but this summer I've fallen in love with neutral looks.  Light lid color, a medium color to shade, and then a purple or brown eyeliner and lots of mascara is my go-to eye makeup look.  Then a soft pink blush and a little lip balm.

2.  Do you have a beauty vice?
I'm a beauty noob when it comes to foundation (As you've probably already noticed!).  I've gotten much better, but I still have a hard time telling what's a gimmick and what will really work.  I'm also not 100% sure what my exact skin type is.  Sometimes it's dry, sometimes it's normal- it's always sensitive, I know that.

3. What part of your body do you love?
Hmm... I like my hands.  I used to play piano and my teacher always called them "piano fingers", meaning they were the right size/shape for the piano.  I thought that was such a nice compliment!  I inherited my mom's thin hands and I've always liked them.

4.  Who is your beauty icon?
I've never followed a certain celebrity's makeup style, so I'm not really sure if I have a beauty icon.  Although I've always liked Blake Lively's glowy makeup, and I usually like Jessica Alba's.  Dislike her movies, but I think she's gorgeous.

5.  What beauty product makes you instantly feel good?
It's a tie between eyeliner and mascara.  I typically feel like I'm missing something without one of them.

6.  How do you look after your skin?
I've noticed that my skin looks best when I take care of it, but not overly so.  Simple every night washing (With the same cleanser) and moisturizing.  I try not to do much else or use extra creams.

7.  What is your signature scent?
I don't own it (Yet, hopefully!), but Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy is one of my all-time favorites.  My sister said she would get it for me for my birthday if that's what I really wanted.  Crossing my fingers!  I offered to pay for some of it since it's not exactly cheap.

8.  What are your hair care secrets?
I don't spend much time on my hair to be honest.  My hair dresser was appalled when I told her I don't even use salon products, haha.  I just use Pantene Pro-V shampoo/conditioner, and then mousse (I'm using Paul Mitchell right now, but it's my mom's).  I also vow to never wash my hair every night of the week.  I usually choose a few days that I just shower and don't wash it.

9.  How do you pamper yourself?
Using scented lotions/perfumes is one way I love pampering myself.  If I'm having a really bad day, a little retail therapy.  Although I never go overboard because my conscience gets the best of me. 

10.  What would your desert island must-haves be?
Mascara, lip balm, highlighter, eyeliner.  I want to say eyelash curler but I suppose I could live without it.  LOL.

11.  Do you have a beauty philosophy?
I think you should wear whatever you want to wear, not what anyone or any product says you should.  By this I mean certain colors for your eye color or skin tone.  Obviously certain colors go better with certain complexions and coloring, but you should by no means feel bound to them.  My sister is a prime example of this!  I tell her all the time to just experiment with colors, because if you want to wear a color, you totally can make it work.

I tag you if you want to do this :)  Thanks for reading!


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