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Just a heads up & thank you!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

In regards to my last post (my review on the VS eyeshadow primer), I'm going to update the AM/PM pictures later tonight with different ones.  A commenter kindly pointed out that with my neutral makeup, it's hard to tell that the primer did its job.  Thanks for telling me about that!  I still did neutral makeup today but I tried to add more depth to my eyeshadow and make it darker (and from the pictures I just took, I think these will be much better in showing how the primer worked).

I have a couple of reviews I'm wanting to do in the near future, one being on those Studio Tools brushes sold at Target.  I bought the Kabuki brush yesterday.  My smaller Target doesn't sell many of them at all, so if I get off work early today I'll go to the bigger one and see if they have more.  I'd like to do a review on these mainly because they are super inexpensive and available to most everyone.  I'm also obsessing over the idea of having new brushes (That are cheap but get the job done).  I was going to place my order for those Coastal Scents brushes I posted about, but they are now sold out of the duo-fiber stippling brush and white angled liner.  I'll just have to wait!

Lastly, I wanted to quick thank you all so much for supporting/encouraging me through my blog.  I recently hit 100 followers, and it's incredibly rewarding to come here every day and know people at least somewhat enjoy what I post!  I started this and keep doing it for myself, because I love it, but it's always reinforcing to be in this great community.

I have to go to work now; hope you all have a good Saturday!


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