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Quick Rite-Aid Trip

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I had some coupons I was itching to use at Rite Aid. Unfortunately, the Rite Aids around me are all pretty small and don’t have a lot of stock, so I was unable to get much of what I was looking for - but I was still able to score a pretty great deal!

What I was most looking forward to was the Wet n Wild sale they have going on this week: buy one get one free. I never really thought much of W&W (sometimes cheap is too cheap?) until they started releasing natural items. Their talc-free Natural Blend (formerly Natural Wear) powder is now my favorite powder in the world, and I go through about one compact a month! So I was glad to have a chance to stock up.

On top of the B1G1 free sale, I had a $2 off $6 W&W coupon from the August Rite Aid Video Values website (where you watch short commercials and get coupons in return).

So I got:
  • 1 Natural Blend powder at $4.99 and got a second free
  • 1 nail polish at $1.99 and got a second free

Bringing my total to $6.98. I really just bought the nail polish as a filler to be able to use the coupon, because the .99c items (like their eyeliner pencils) wouldn’t quite make $6, so I went over a little.

After the coupon, the total was $4.98. So I basically got all those items for the price of one powder!

The Gain dish soap was also a freebie. There was a coupon in the Sunday paper for $1.00 off any Gain, and it was on sale for 89c this week, so I paid nothing!

Total price of everything: $15.45

Price paid: $4.98!


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