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Non beauty-related post: Preparing for college

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hey guys, today's post is going to be a little different and not about beauty.  It's about college and how I am (and still very much in the process of) preparing for it!  I'm definitely a procrastinator when it comes to school.... and getting ready to leave has turned out to be no exception.  I'm excited, don't get me wrong, but it's still a hassle having to pack and think about everything I'll need.
I'm hoping this will help any of you going away to school who are in the same situation as me, and find yourself not quite sure what to get/pack.  I know I'll happily take any advice I can get, and my 10-years-older sister has also been a great help!  She keeps reassuring me that I'll have time after I move into my dorm to get anything I forgot, in case it happens.

I have most of the necessities for my classes besides my textbooks.  I'm taking five classes, so I got my notebooks/folders for each of them, along with pencils and index cards.

The folders I got from Target, and the notebooks I got from Walmart and Walgreens (Walgreens has notebooks BOGO free this week!).  This is the one area I feel fairly prepared for.

In terms of dorm stuff.... not so much.  My mom and I did go out shopping yesterday and came home with quite a few things from my list, but I still don't have a comforter and other randoms.  Quite a few things we're waiting to buy once we get there and see what my room is like, though (Full-length mirror, blankets, decorations, shower curtain, etc).  We have towels, wash cloths, and other things like that here that I'll take with.

I'm quite pleased with the things we found, though!  At TJ Maxx I got a dry-erase/cork board, a shower caddy, and an organizer to put cards (and makeup palettes!) in:
I didn't tell my mom but that pink organizer will hold my ELF beauty book palettes perfectly.  Thanks Becky for the idea!  :)

Part of the reason I hadn't gotten more prior to this week is because I'm so darn particular.  I can't find the "right" bedding, and none of the decorations or dishes I found were unique enough.  We went to Target and I threw my hands up and just bought some things I really needed:
They have 4-packs of cups and plates for $1.99 each.  And they do have little designs on them, so they aren't totally plain.  Cute and cheap.  Sounds good to me!  I also got a bowl just to have for fruit and stuff.
This just screams "college" to me.  Yeah, I'll need these.

And the last thing I'll post here is the lamp I got for $14 at Target.  I didn't want to get a lamp before I found my bedding, but since I probably won't find bedding until I move, I gave in.

I also have a few other things I got, but I didn't want to make this into some kind of college 'haul' post.  These are items I know I'll get usage from on a daily basis.  And, I feel so much more prepared!

Are you going away to school?  What are you bringing?  I'd love to hear any advice you have.  Thanks so much!


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