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BzzAgent: Orbit Gum Campaign Thoughts & Review

Friday, August 6, 2010

Note: I know I skipped Weekly Wednesday Favorites this week, but I haven't really been using anything different.  Sorry about that!  Stay tuned for next week.  :)
Hey everyone, today I wanted to quickly mention something I received in the mail: my first BzzKit from BzzAgent!  I posted about BzzAgent awhile back when I first started up with the website, and now that I've had time to get into it, I'm finally getting to know what it's all about.  It really is a good way to spread the word about new products.

My first BzzCampaign is for the new Orbit gum retro-inspired packaging.  Orbit is stepping it up with their designs and coming out with 36 new ones.
In my BzzKit, BzzAgent sent me 5 packs of gum and coupons to give away to family/friends (And of course for myself to try out as well!).

So far I've only "Bzz'ed" to my sister and my mom (They were there when I opened my package).  I gave my sister one of the packs and a few coupons.  She thought the idea was really cool and said she liked the new designs.  She even signed up with BzzAgent because she wanted to do stuff like this, too!

Personally, I think the packaging is fun and definitely retro.  I'm not usually one to care a lot about the way my gum is packaged, but I think it's more exciting when it looks pretty.  Orbit didn't change the gum at all, so the actual flavors and everything else stayed the same.  Just in a different wrapper.  :)

My favorite flavors are probably the Bubblemint and Sweetmint!  

Receiving this BzzKit has really made me excited about the things BzzAgent has to offer.  And after hearing the response my mom and sister had, I realize people actually want to hear what you have to tell them.  I don't feel at all like I'm "soliciting" or anything.  You just share what you think, what BzzAgent is, and ask them their opinion.  Really easy!

Have you heard of BzzAgent?  What are your thoughts about Orbit gum?  I'd love to hear any comments/responses you have.  :)

Disclaimer: I received these samples through BzzAgent via a BzzCampaign.  I am doing this on my own time, and I am not affiliated whatsoever with Orbit gum.


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