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Mini Haul 2.0

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I did it again. I'm sorry - I really have to stop. And I will. Soon.

Actually I'm going to Madrid very soon with a few of the girls just before we go back to college, and I've made a promise to myself (and my mother!) that I will refrain from buying anything until I hit sunny Spain. Duty Free not included of course.

I've obtained an obsession with mens clothes and accessories in the last few weeks, and was looking for weeks to find a woman's version of a flowing shirt top, with no luck. Me and my friend happened upon River Island and wandered into the mens section. Instant happiness! I found the top I was looking for and a beanie hat (I have a major obsession with these, but always lose them!). Size XS in the male section works a treat and actually has a shape, I thought it would just be baggy!

Then I finally got my little mitts on MAC's Painterly Paint Pot, which I've wanted for ages! I've been using it for the past few days and love it, it really keeps my eyeshadow on longer. Does anyone know of any other uses for it?

Claire's Accessories was the next port of call where I got a purple nail varnish and a sweet ring. And then, of course, no Julie Haul would be complete without a trip to Barry M! I bought Barry M Mushroom 310, Bright Purple 303 and Vivid Purple 161. Because I bought these, I got a 7.50euro voucher off No7 products. I always get these and never use them, but I was in a spending mood so got a gold eyeliner.

That morning my package from Dolly Bow Bow was delivered. I got the Telephone necklace. Love it. It came in the cute pink drawstring bag and is beautiful. You can check out the site here.


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