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Going, going, going (Rant & Smoky EOTD)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We're leaving for college tomorrow (My parents are driving me out there/helping me move in), so today is my cram day.  And by cram, I mean crazy nonstop packing.  There is so much that I keep remembering to pack and there's not much time left- I'm definitely a little stressed, but as long as I keep moving I think I'll be ready to go tomorrow.  We're leaving at 6:00am!  My boyfriend is coming over later tonight to go out to dinner with my parents and myself (We're celebrating my birthday before I go), so that's just less time I'll have.  I'm glad I get to see him, don't get me wrong, but it's going to be really hard to say goodbye.  I think every time we've hung out this week I've cried, lol.  Thank goodness for water-resistant makeup and eyeshadow primer!  That stuff didn't go anywhere!
Anyway, my point in telling you all this is because I probably won't have a chance to update for a few days (Unless I have time tomorrow night at our hotel).  I do have a few posts in mind and an EOTD/tutorial lined up, but I've got all my cords packed away.  I know you all understand but I'm actually sad I won't be able to blog!  I love coming on here and reading your updates as well as blogging myself.

I think that's all I needed to mention in this post- thanks for bearing with me, everyone.  Have a good day!

I'm taking a little breather right now, so I just decided to get out my camera/cords and upload pictures of my makeup today.  I was going to give this a separate post but I think it'll be fine right here.
This is my interpretation of a "daytime smoky eye"- it has that smoky effect but isn't too dark for daytime.

What I used:
- VS Pro eyeshadow primer 
- Clinique eyeshadow trio in Totally Neutral (Lightest shade all over/highlight, medium on lid, and darkest in "outer v" and to line lash lines
- L'Oreal Bare Naturale mascara in Black

I paired this with my Clinique Long Last Glosswear in Stellar Plum:

I actually just "uncovered" both of these products- I used to keep my makeup in my desk drawer because I'd do it there in front of my mirror, and when moving everything to my bathroom last year I left some things in my desk.  These were in there!  I love the lip gloss; it's pretty sheer but gives enough color to tell it's still a "plum" lipgloss.  There's a really good makeup artist who works at the Clinique counter here, and she recommended me this one.  
Anyway, that's all I have time for.  Thanks again for reading!


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