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My home away from home & Revlon Mineral Finishing Powder

Friday, August 27, 2010

You guys, Chicago is amazing!  I'm all moved in (finally) and have been having so much fun.  Busy, but it's all really exciting.
Here are a few pictures I took "post" move-in, plus some of our view! (We're on the 17th floor)

My closet area

Bed/desk (I forgot to bring my "decorative" pillows, lol)

We have a teensy view of the lake, lol!

View down the street

At night

We made the trek to Target this afternoon and I found one of those Revlon Colorstay Mineral Finishing powders on clearance for $5.98!  They had it in the color Brighten- of course I had to get one.

This gives a really pretty glowy highlighted look to my face- I love it.  Do you guys have any of these?  I think they come in a couple different shades.

I went to the CVS across the street from me- it's pretty small and picked over, but I'm happy with it.  :)

Have a good weekend, everyone!  <3


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