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Day 17: A Hobby Of Yours

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Since I'll be in Vegas and without a computer except maybe a 3g phone, I'll post now.
The topic of the 17th day is A Hobby of Mine~~wow I'm suprised I even made it this far without completely losing interest.

I don't have much hobbies and they are not interesting. I guess recently is playing family feud on facebook XD..I just got really interested and very into it. Does that consider a hobby?? If not then um...I enjoy shopping =D!!! A lot of shopping online @_@"..in order to be more specific or sound a little interesting, I collect Rilakkuma?? XD haha heres a list of some stuff I have..

1. seat belt cover
2. tissue box cover
3. cell phone holder
4. like some few stuff animals
5. a thing that looks like a pillow but can put on chair
6. folders
7. marker
8. towel
9. slippers
10.pencil box
11. steering wheel that doesn't fit T^T

That's all I can remember XD not sure if there is more but I consider that a hobby of mine I guess...well now it's time for me to pass out or I'm going to die in Vegas tomorrow. Goodnight♥


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