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YSL Rouge Volupte Perle Fall collection! Coral Sun and Beige Caress

Monday, August 9, 2010

First off, let me start by saying that the YSL Rouge Volupte #26 is one of my all time favorite lipsticks. The color, the look, the texture... it's so stunning and luxurious. I had such high hopes for this collection but those hopes were quickly shattered as soon as I placed it on my lips. To be honest, I'd really like to know what they were thinking! If I worked for YSL and tested the lipsticks... there is no way on this earth I'd give these lipsticks the ok to be sold to consumers. They feel awful on. Gritty, chunky, unattractive glitter. You know the feeling. It's almost unbearable to keep this lipstick on your lips for more than 2 minutes. It's anything but luxury in my opinion. I got the colors Coral Sun and Beige Caress. I hate to be so negative in this post but they weren't anything to write home about. I didn't put them on and beam with joy because it looked so great.
Sephora describes them as: "A creamy lipstick that leaves the lips feeling soft and looking beautiful with a satiny-pearl finish (transparent crystal pearls and colored pearls)"

I'd have to disagree.

So, let's take a closer look at the colors...

I will say... the packaging is stunning. I will give them that! :)

Coral Sun

Beige Caress

Top: Beige Caress Bottom: Coral Sun

Beige Caress... it has a lot of chunky gold glitter... yuck.

Coral Sun

So, as you can see... on the lips they don't really look THAT different. Coral Sun is a tad bit darker and more coral but really... the difference between them is not huge!

So, have you tried these? What did you think? I couldn't stand them and was shocked they would even put something has gritty as this in their line. Mine went back to Sephora the next day. There is no way on earth I'd wear these... not for $34 anyway (or even $2).

Sorry for such a downer post but I thought I'd let you know what I think before you go and waste your money. In the end it's up to you to try it or not but they aren't worth it (IMO). 

Much love,


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