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I have a problem 2.0..

Friday, August 13, 2010

I have an addiction to online shopping. I can't help it..I buy everything online..There's something so comforting about sitting at your desk or on your bed and choosing whatever things you'd like to fill your little world with. I buy anything from make up, to jewellery, to clothes, to nail polishes. Anything goes.

The worst part of it is that you don't feel like your actually spending money, you don't feel like there are any consequences for a massive splurge..Type in a few digits of a plastic card and hey presto - stuff! I love stuff. Especially wrapped and packaged stuff..

There's nothing better than answering the door to a postman who has things for you..In fact, the postman has become my new best friend. He knows my address, what shops I like to buy from, how many things I buy, what I'm buying. Oh dear lord, the poor man is demented visiting my house. Hell, he probably hates me.

I need to stop. If I walked into a shop and tried on clothes, swatched the make up, realised I already had five of the same coloured nail polish and that the jewellery didn't suit me I would be a lot richer. But I've been lucky, recently everything I've ordered online has been a success story, I've loved it. And I keep buying more.

Rant over - there's more online shopping to be done. :)


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