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Versatile Blogger Award: 7 Things

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The lovely Kali at The Makeup Drawer awarded me the Versatile Blogger award yesterday.  Thank you, girl!  

The rules of this award are:
1. Share 7 things about yourself.2. Pass the award onto a few bloggers who you have recently discovered.3. Let these blogs know that you have awarded them the Versatile Blogging Award
My 7 things:

1.  My boyfriend and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary this Saturday.  <3

2.  I'm going to school next year for fashion retail management, and I'm a little scared that I'll get there and not like it.  My mom keeps telling me that a lot of people switch their majors several times, so I'm trying not to psych myself out.

3.  I didn't love working at Victoria's Secret right away.  I started out working with bras, and then after being put on the beauty side awhile, I decided that was a fit for me.  That's kind of what started my love of makeup/beauty products.  And now I love my job!

4.  One of my favorite bands is The Bird and The Bee.

5.  I'm really cheap when it comes to money, and I have a hard time spending it a lot of the time.  This doesn't sound like such a bad thing, but it is when I talk myself out of buying things that I really want.  

6.  I love diet soda.  Especially Diet Sunkist.  I rarely turn that down.  :)

7.  My favorite color is purple, and I love it in every form.  Clothes, nail polish, eyeshadow, lips, shoes, anything!

Bloggers I award:
- Andi at Discount Decadence
- Savannah at Glamorous Girl 2014
- Elise at Blush Is The New Black
- Stavroula at Drugstore and Bargain Lover



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