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How to fix your broken make up!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I watched in utter horror as my almost 3 year old whipped one of my favorite MAC MSF's off the counter shattering the top layer into pieces!!. I was sad at first but I knew there was a way to fix it. Thank God for Youtube and all the tutorials on fixing broken shadows, blushes, etc!

Only the top layer was broken so I poured it into a little plastic bowl and started the magical fixing process! :)

So here is what you'll need:
A small bowl, a clean pen or the end of a clean knife, rubbing alcohol (I used 70%), a clean towel or cloth.

This is the bottom layer left of MAC Shimpagne. I should have gotten a picture of it broken but I was so anxious to fix it that I dumped it in a bowl right away. 

With the end of a clean knife I broke the product up into very small pieces. 

I then poured the broken powder back into the pan

Next I took my rubbing alcohol....

I needed about 4-5 caps full to make sure all the power was wet.... you don't want to drench it but you want enough so it's made into a paste. 

I smoothed it out a little and left it to dry. It took about 2 good hours for it to be dry enough for me to move onto my next step. 

Once it was dry I took a cloth and started to even it out and press the powder. 

So,  there you have it... all fixed. It's not as beautiful as it once was with the gorgeous gold veining but it does the trick and when applied it looks the same. 

So, next time you break your favorite product... don't flip out (especially if it's limited edition like mine was)! You can save it! 

I'm sure most if not ALL of you already knew this trick but I thought I'd share it with you anyway so maybe you won't have to throw out any more broken products. :)


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